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IFTA Reports

Simplify IFTA fuel tax reporting


Automate the Calculation Process

Ensure accuracy, prevent expensive penalties, and save time by submitting reports promptly with simplified IFTA reporting.

IFTA Calculation Based on AI Technology

The IFTA report considers the miles traveled when the ELD was disconnected from the vehicle. AI calculation includes the unplugged miles in the overall distance and the distance traveled in each state.

Improve Operational Efficiency

By utilizing our fleet management software to automate IFTA reports, fleet managers can now save multiple days of administrative work. Simply select the vehicles and a date range, and the IFTA report will be generated automatically.

Improve Reports Accuracy

Ensure accurate reporting and get rid of errors. Our hands-free, cellular-connected onboard ELD devices automatically gather all the information required for IFTA reports.

IFTA Reports Made Excellent

By utilizing automated IFTA calculation, generating precise and trustworthy IFTA reports becomes effortless, regardless of the number of vehicles in your fleet.

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How is IFTA calculated if the vehicle has an ELD Unplugged event(s)?

IFTA Mileage report takes into account miles traveled during the time when ELD was unplugged from the vehicle.
With the help of AI calculation, the miles are added to the total distance and to distance traveled in each state.

Can I get the full IFTA report for filing IFTA paperwork?

ELD Rider helps you with tracking the distance your vehicles travel in each jurisdiction,
which you need to link with fuel purchase data and then fill in the IFTA paperwork.

What is the difference between IFTA Mileage and IFTA State report?

Both reports calculate the distance your vehicles travel in each jurisdiction.
While IFTA Mileage report calculates distance traveled in all
states per vehicle, IFTA State report calculates the distance traveled for all vehicles per jurisdiction.
Choose the report that fits the IFTA template you are using.